Club Sponsorship


We have recently opened our full-time academy located on the Watercourse Rd. and we are looking for local businesses to get involved while gaining exposure to our own local and online audience. There will also be exposure on an international level for companies interested. This opportunity would best suit companies that promote healthier lifestyles. Companies that are associated with health eating, promoting mental health awareness or just companies that would like to be associated with these values. Team FM can offer companies full exposure to our immediate customers, our club has a loyal following that will support companies that support us. Team FM also has a substantial online presence through Facebook, Instagram and our own website. These online platforms have both a local and national following that would have excellent promotional value for a club. Team FM also has a very active competition team that travel abroad for for some of the largest Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitions in world. Last year we travelled to Lisbon, Rome, Paris, Madrid and London for competition. Your logo on our club gear will gain you valuable international exposure. There will be 2 sponsorship packages available. Each package determines what benefits your company will receive from Team FM Cork. You will find a breakdown of each package below.


Package 1 

● Large company logo printed on the wall of academy.

● Direct links to your online platforms through our social media and website.

● Description and promotion of your product/service on our website and social media.

● Company logo printed onto our competition team gear. This is an exclusive package that will only be available to a maximum of 2 companies to ensure maximum exposure. You will gain full exposure to a brand new market.

Package cost: €700 per annum

Package 2

● Company logo printed on the wall of the academy. ● Direct links to your online platforms through our social media and website.

This package is available to a maximum of 4 companies. The package will ensure your company recieves exposure to our local and online audience.

Package cost: €250 per annum



Facebook: Team FM Cork - FM BJJ

Instagram: @teamfmcork